操作系统笔记 CH2 OS structures


  • CLI command-line / command interpreter

    implemented in kernel (MS-DOS)

    by systems program (Windows / UNIX)

    multiple flavors implemented – shells UNIX / Linux

    linux shell : shell: 带形参的批命令文件

  • batch interface

  • GUI graphical user interface

    desktop, icon, Xerox PARC

system calls

Programming interface to the services provided by the OS

written in high-level language

Mostly accessed by programs via a high-level Application Program Interface (API) rather than direct system call use.

most common API:

  • Win32 API
  • POSIX API: for UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X
  • Java API: for JVM

A programmer accesses an API via a library of code provided by the operating system. (e.g. libc )

the run-time support system provides a system-call interface that serves as the link to system calls.

system call parameter passing

3 methods:

types of system call

  • process control

    dump memory if error, Debugger for determining bugs, single step execution, Locks for managing access to shared data between processes

  • file manipulation

  • device manipulation

  • information maintenance

  • communications

    • message passing model

      through an interprocess-communication facility (IPC) provided by OS

  • shared memory passing

    process use map memory system call to gain access to regions of memory owned by other processes.

system prorams

file management

status information: Some systems implement a registry, used to store and retrieve configuration information.

file modification

programming-language support

program loading and execution


system utilities/application programs:

background services: Launch at boot time. Run in user context not kernel context. Known as services, subsystems, daemons

OS design and implementation

策略policy: 决定做什么,可能随时间位置改变,对资源分配很重要

机制mechanism: 决定怎么做,系统更需要通用机制

The separation of policy from mechanism allows maximum flexibility if policy decisions are to be changed later. 微内核把机制与策略的区分利用到极致。

Emulation can allow an OS to run on non-native hardware.

用高级语言编写, OS更易移植,降低速度,增加存储要求

bottleneck routines can be identified. replaced with assembly-language equivalents.

OS structure

  • simple structure

    • MS-DOS


    • UNIX


  • layered approach

    the bottom layer (layer 0) is the hardware, the highest (layer N) is the user interface


    advantage: contruction, debugging, design, implementation

    difficulty: disk driver & memory-management routines, disk driver & CPU scheduler

    less efficient

  • microkernels


    microkernel contains only essential functions

    • memory management
    • CPU scheduling
    • communications

    微内核主要功能:使 客户程序 和 运行在用户空间的各种服务 之间进行通信 message passing

    Mach, Tru64 UNIX, Mac OS X kernel, QNX


  • modules

    Many modern operating systems implement loadable kernel modules.

    The kernel has a set of core components and dynamically links in additional services via modules, either at boot time or during run time.




hybrid systems:

​ linux & solaris: monolithic, modular

​ windows: monolithic, plus microkernel for different subsystem personalities, run as user-mode processes, dynamically loadable kernel modules

Mac OS X: 分层,其中一层包括Mach微内核

virtual machines

takes the layered approach to its logical conclusion

It treats hardware and the operating system kernel as though they were all hardware.

The operating system creates the illusion of multiple processes, each executing on its own processor with its own (virtual) memory.

  • by CPU scheduling
  • by virtual memory

virtualization: a technology that allows operating systems to run as applications within other operating systems. VMM(virtual machine Manager)

Emulation used when source CPU type different from target type. When computer language not compiled to native code – Interpretation

advantage: protection of system resources, solving system compatibility problem.

虚拟机软件允许在kernel mode(因为它自己就是操作系统),但虚拟机自身只能允许在user mode

virtual kernel mode 和 virtual user mode 都允许在 physical user mode

真正机器上user mode到kernel mode的切换,也必须在虚拟机上引起从virtual user mode到virtual kernel mode的切换


consists of

  • class loader

  • class verifier

  • Java interpreter

    software module that interprets the bytecodes one at a time

    • Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers turns the architecture-neutral bytecodes into native machine language for the host computer.

JVM automatically manages memory by performing garbage collection.

OS generation


generation methods:

​ 可完全重新编译

​ 或系统描述可用来创建表

​ 或完全table-driven(绝大多数现代OS是这样),选择发生在执行时而不是编译连接时。

system boot

booting: starting a computer by loading the kernel

Bootstrap program (bootstrap loader): small piece of code stored in ROM. locates the kernel, loads it into memory, and starts its execution.

two step:

  1. bootstrap loader

    fetches the boot program from boot block into memory to execute.

  2. boot program

    loads the entire OS into memory and begin its execution

最后修改于 2020-02-28